Finally, the world has seen the new long-awaited Rammstein album. The amazing band Rammstein, which never ceases to shock the public, will soon be thirty years old. Let’s review the new Ramstein’s lyrical song about Big Breasts, literally from German: Dicke Titten.

Rammstein Dicke Titten: Meaning of the Song

Dynamic assertive syllable of the song in German from a bright band creates a special atmosphere. In “Dicke Titten”, unrealistic expectations and a search for a partner that drags on for years are described. Searching for a loved one nearby, searching for equals … And somehow everyone turns out to be different, not like that. Could it be the person? The objectification of women is a fashionable and acute social problem. Behind his obsession, the main character is simply not able to discern individuality. Society sometimes also looks so primitively at women. Unrealistic demands for beauty, rigid standards – all this speaks of a deeply flawed society in which we live.

Dicke Titten video meaning

It would seem that the list of requirements of the hero to his future wife is quite simple. And he himself calls himself undemanding. But his days pass bleakly, he has already managed to grow old, but he has not found what he wants. 

Who is the song dedicated to? The clip is dedicated to society with its existential problems, the problem of choice and missed opportunities, the pursuit of illusions, the inability to find a loved one, the problems of objectifying women, and unrealistic standards of beauty. This is not just a fun and cheerful song about big breasts. The eccentric band Rammstein reveals the most pressing social issues with a fun song and an interesting video sequence. Such rhythmic songs perfectly cheer up.

Rammstein Dicke Titten: Meaning of the Video Clip

The viewer sees a village in the Alps, which celebrates a holiday. A sign with the inscription: Ramstein flashes by, which only the most attentive viewers will notice.

Beautiful women are milkmaids with big breasts, men are shepherds. Tired of work, people start dancing and singing. Interestingly, such a dance really exists. The group succeeded in conveying the national flavor.

In the clip, we see a beautiful milkmaid girl with beautiful curvy shapes. Her interesting outfit also attracts attention. Historically, girls could signal their intentions with the help of clothes. If the bow was on the left, it meant that the girl was free. And if on the right, then it meant that the woman was married. Probably the beautiful girls in the video are free.

Dicke Titten video meaning

What is the video about? The old man, apparently a fairly respected person in the village, is looking for a wife. But she must have big breasts, – the hero is sure. He would be delighted if he could really look around and see so many beautiful women, each with the desired attribute – big breasts. Alas, the man is blind. He was probably looking for a chosen one worthy of him for too long. True, at the end of the clip he is next to a beautiful girl with big breasts. But she does not need him?

Every now and then, pieces of meat in the hands of workers and large breasts of milkmaids flash in the video.The author reveals the theme of the objectification of women. We pay too much attention to the body, instead of seeing a person in a woman. The hero is old, lonely and blind. He lived his life in pursuit of a false goal. He did not see the essence behind the form and he deservedly paid the price for it. Our society will pay for the objectification of people.

Meanwhile, an interesting role went to the guitarist. To the rhythmic sounds of a song about large breasts, he descends into the basement, paints his lips, and with the help of straw creates magnificent forms for himself. The video ends at the moment when the old man is surrounded by beauties, who are hardly interested in him as a groom. Probably, he lost his time in the pursuit of some kind of ideals. The song is definitely thought-provoking. Our society is like this old man. Probably every one of us is like him.