Manoj Tiwari’s wife became Pratima in 1999, who later took the name Rani. In 2020, the actor and politician got a new wife, Surbhi (in some sources, Surabhi. Both women are not public figures, but this article contains the most complete information about them.

Who is Manoj Tiwari ex-wife Rani?

Rani Tiwari (born Pratima Pande) is a nutritionist and owner of a major sports company, Rhiti Sports. The chief director is former cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

Rani minds her own business and tries not to become a gossip heroine. She does not say how old she is, but Rani is definitely younger than her ex-husband, who was born in 1971.

Rani Tiwari biography: Wikipedia

Rani grew up in a sports family. Her brother was a successful cricketer. Fans of this sport should know the name Arun Pandey.

Manoj Tiwari married before becoming a famous actor, musician and politician. In 1999, he got married to Pratima Pande. Later, the Tiwari family had a daughter, Rhiti. A company owned by a woman was later named in her part.

After the wedding, Pratima changed her name to Rani. The reasons for this behavior remain unknown.

Rani Tiwari personal life

The marriage of Rani and Manoj seemed ideal for a long time. But in 2011, a long divorce process began. The reason for the violation of the family idyll was the actress Shweta Tiwari. She participated in the 4th season of the reality show Big Boss along with Manoj. The members developed warm friendships, which led to jealousy on the part of the wife. Among the audience there were rumors about the romance of the show participants, but there is no exact data on the degree of their closeness.

In 2012, Rani became a free woman. The divorce was difficult, but the public quickly lost interest in him.

Recently, the public was shocked by Rani’s new chosen one. She was noticed in the company of the popular musician Ekam Bawa. The Indian show business star later confirmed that he is in a relationship with Rani. Now, on his Instagram, joint photos often appear with the ex-wife of a Member of Parliament.

Who is Manoj Tiwari wife Surbhi (Surabhi)?

Manoj did not start a relationship with Shweta. He remained a bachelor for a long time. The new marriage took place only in 2020. The man married a girl named Surbhi. Many sources confuse Surbhi with actress Surbhi Tiwari. But this woman has a completely different husband. He is Praveen Kumar Sinha, whom she has been married to since 2019.