Michele Morrone biography
Birth date3 October 1990
Full nameMichele Morrone
Kind of activityactor, musician
Height189 cm
Marital statusdivorced
Social networks

Michele Morrone is a favorite of the female audience. The Italian starred in films and TV shows, tried his hand at music, and did not shy away from the modeling industry. He won a domestic audience thanks to his participation in the Polish film bestseller with spicy content.

Biography of Michele Morrone

The future actor and singer delighted his parents with his appearance on October 3, 1990. Information about the place of birth varies. Some sources call the small homeland of the handsome Apulia, in southern Italy. Others are sure that Michele (Michelle) comes from Melegnano. The fact of moving to Rome remains indisputable (this will happen already at a conscious age).

The guy grew up in a poor family. As a teenager, he lost his father. A family of four (Michele, two sisters and a mother) had a hard time, because the future star was not spoiled by excesses.

In high school, the young man became seriously interested in the career of an actor. He spent hours watching his favorite films, trying on the images of the main characters. The talented guy mastered the wisdom of acting on his own.

From the age of 18, Michele earned as much as he could (he worked as a waiter and a worker at a construction site). Only at the age of 21 did he manage to break into the film industry. The series “Like a Dolphin” (2011) was a great start for the development of an actor’s career.

Michele Morrone photo

Actor Michel Morrone: films

After a successful serial debut, the young man became in demand in this industry. A minor but prominent role in the historical series The Medici (2016) added bonuses to his track record. Then came the conveyor of second-rate films and short films.

The main role in the Polish film from Netflix “365 days” (2020) can be considered a real success. The film received a mediocre rating from critics and viewers. But the performer of the role of the Sicilian mafia Massimo Torricelli touched the audience to the quick. An analogue of “50 Shades of Grey” based on the novel by Blanca Lipinskaya is filled with bed scenes, love and hot passion. Michel Morrone, in tandem with Anna Maria Siklutskaya (playing the role of Laura, who was captured by Massimo), showed intimate moments on the screen, impressive in their sincerity.

Music and modeling career

The beginning of 2020 turned out to be productive for Morrone. Miki released the first album “Dark Room”. This is a solo project of the artist. Fans saw in the title a reference to the theme of “50 shades”. There is some common sense in this, because the song “Feel it” from the debut album became the main soundtrack of the frank drama with his participation

Michele Morrone guitar

The actor’s and musician’s Instagram is full of photos from photo shoots. On them, Michele appears as a talented model. He does not consider this a serious occupation, but the “deadly” look of the burning Italian from the photographs drives thousands of fans around the world crazy.

Mikel Morrone’s personal life – wife and children

At the beginning of his career, the young man met a beauty from Lebanon named Rube Saade. In 2014, the couple celebrated their wedding. The ceremony took place in the home of the bride. Soon the beautiful couple had beautiful sons Brando and Markus.

Four years later, the couple was destined to leave. The reasons for the breakup of family relations remained a secret. Even the very fact of divorce was hidden by the actor for a long time. Only six months after the unpleasant event, he decided to inform his followers on Instagram about it.

The strangeness of the family drama is added by the warm attitude of the handsome man to his ex-wife. He often writes nice things about her. In a busy schedule, the actor always finds a place to communicate with children who live with their mother Ruba.

With the growth of popularity, rumors about the hot bachelor’s personal life began to appear more often on the network. In 2019, photos of Morrone with dancer Elena D’Amelio began to circulate on the Internet. The young people exchanged kisses. Many were sure of the seriousness of the relationship between Mika and Elena. There were those who saw the usual friendly courtesies in the photo. The latter, apparently, turned out to be right, because by the middle of 2020 there is no credible information about Michele’s passion. Few people remember the rumors of 2019.