Mohamed Hadid can be called Fortune’s favorite, despite many financial upheavals and trials, he often got away with it and became one of the most famous and influential Americans. The father of Gigi and Bella Hadid is a construction magnate, and among his friends there are many stars from the world of cinema and show business.
Mohamed Hadid: Biography, Ethnic Background
Mohammed Anwar Hadid was born in Palestine, in the holy city of Nazareth, on November 6, 1948, he is one of eight children of teacher Anwar Hadid and his wife Khairiya. The Wikipedia article dedicated to Mohammed Hadid mentions that the origin of his family comes from Sheikh Dahir Al-Umar himself, who lived in the 17th century, the legendary ruler of Northern Palestine, and is considered one of the main national heroes in the countries of the Middle East.

The Hadid family had to leave their native Nazareth, where Anwar worked as a college English teacher, in the early 50s. Before settling in the United States, the family lived in Greece and Tunisia. Anwar and Khairia moved to Washington with their children in 1962, when Mohamed was 14 years old. From a young age, he was actively interested in painting and architecture, which largely determined the choice of profession. After graduating from school, Mohamed entered the University of North Carolina, and then studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Before going into real estate, Mohamed traded in used cars and industrial equipment, lived for a while in Greece, where he owned a nightclub. In the early 80s, after returning to the States, he focused on the construction of luxury real estate, hotels and mansions, managing to amass an incredible fortune from this.
Mohamed Hadid: Wife, Children
The construction magnate’s first wife was Mary Butler, with whom the daughters Alan and Marielle were born. Despite the fact that Mohammed loved his daughters very much, in 1992 he divorced Mary, falling under the spell of the Dutch model and actress Yolanda Van den Herik, whom he married in 1994. In this marriage, Mohammed became the father of three more children: daughters Gigi and Bella, and a son who received the family name Anwar.
In 2000, Mohamed and Yolanda decided to divorce, which, as in the case of his first wife, did not affect his relationship with the children. The businessman is not shy about demonstrating fatherly feelings, on his Instagram he posts photos with his daughters and son, and the post in which he shared a photo of a Birkin bag, which is decorated with a drawing of Bella’s eye, caused an enthusiastic reaction from subscribers and a lot of laudatory comments.

Mohamed’s hobby is painting, he paints pictures that he exhibits in his own gallery in Beverly Hills. Also, the father of Gigi and Bella, who have become models, promotes young and unknown artists whose work he finds interesting. There are many celebrities among Mohammed’s friends, he is friends with Woody Harrelson, Jim Carrey and the Kardashian family.
By nationality, Mohamed is Jordanian, he is not very willing to answer questions about religion. The construction magnate does not call himself a true Muslim, although he admits that he has never drunk alcohol, but the reason for this is not religion at all, but concern for his own health.
Mohamed Hadid: Young and Old
Since 2014, Mohamed has been in a close relationship with Shiva Safai, whom he met by chance in a restaurant in Los Angeles. Shiva is a former model trying her hand at journalism. In the United States, this luxurious, slender brunette who stole the heart of a construction magnate moved from Norway, where she lived with her parents, immigrants from Iran.
Shiva became close friends with the daughters of her ardent lover, who, despite the more than thirty-year age difference, did not hesitate to confess his love to her on Instagram. The tycoon gave the girl gifts worthy of princesses, and in 2017 proposed to her, but at the end of 2018, the media in all languages of the world announced that Mohammed Hadid and Shiva Safai broke up. What exactly was the reason for the breakup is not known for certain, but during their relationship, Mohamed met with Justina Mond, a blond young model from Poland, and was accused by another model, Miranda Vee, of rape. However, Mohamed managed to avoid the fate of Harvey Weinstein, as the conflict situation with Miranda was resolved peacefully.

Mohamed Hadid is one of the most influential and popular people in the world, he has repeatedly been a participant in litigation and lost his fortune acquired in the construction and sale of luxury real estate. In 2020, the media announced that Hadid once again went bankrupt due to violations made during the construction of the Starship mansion in Bel Air, but the enterprising Jordanian is trying to fight for his name and money in court, and his lawyers are challenging the decision about the demolition of the building.