Many Singaporeans seek part-time employment as an option for a career. As a result, it is ideal for students who wish to earn additional income while continuing their studies.

This guide will help you ensure that you’re being fairly treated and compensated, whether you’re looking for part-time work, searching for top production jobs in Singapore, or are currently employed part-time.

Part-time employees: who are they?

The Employment Act of Singapore, which protects full-time workers and part-timers, classifies employees who work fewer than 35 hours per week as part-timers.

A part-time employee’s employment contract must state the employee’s rate of pay per hour, the number of hours worked daily or weekly, a weekly or monthly schedule of work, and the gross hourly wage (including any allowances).

What is the CPF contribution rate for part-time employees?

Singaporeans and permanent residents (PRs) are required to contribute to the Central Provident Fund (CPF). An IRA is an excellent way to save for the future, whether for retirement, medical expenses, or housing needs.

CPF contributions are required if part-timers are Singapore citizens or PRs employed under a service contract and earn more than S$50 a month. Employees’ age groups and wage bands are considered when calculating CPF contribution rates.

For part-timers, how is overtime calculated?

Following the Employment Act, overtime pay is generally calculated by multiplying the hourly rate of basic pay by 1.5 times the number of overtime hours worked during the pay period.

This rate is available only for part-timers if they work more than full-time hours. It means that they receive the same hourly pay as a full-time employee can but with fewer hours than a part-time employee.

Is compensation calculated differently when I work on a public holiday or rest day?

Part-time workers must take one day off a week if they work five days a week. Sunday or another day can be chosen by employers as the rest day. Before each month begins, employers should prepare monthly rosters and inform employees of the rest day.

There is a variation in the compensation rate depending on the person who requests a rest day. Employees who are requested to work more than usual must be paid more.

Employees requesting to work on rest days will receive their regular salary. The Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) website gives the exact rates based on your work hours.

In addition, part-timers are entitled to public holidays; their pay is prorated based on how many hours they work on these days. On top of the introductory pay rate, they should be paid a salary for public holidays if required to work on public holidays.

Is there a medical benefit for part-timers?

A company’s part-timers have the same leave entitlements as full-time employees if they’ve worked for them for at least three months. Leaves include paid annual leaves, sick leaves, maternity leaves, paternity leaves, and childcare leaves.

A company-appointed clinic or an approved public institution must cover medical consultation fees for part-timers employed for at least three months.

Final thoughts

Since part-timers in Singapore are covered by the Employment Act, they can enjoy many of the same entitlements as full-timers. Work part-time if you need a flexible schedule while receiving other benefits like paid leave and medical reimbursement.